tel: + 505-8946-1455


Trabaje Con Nosotros

An industrial scene with a large dump truck carrying gravel driving along a dusty road. The surroundings include piles of gravel, patches of vegetation, and a barrier on the road. The lighting suggests a late afternoon or early evening setting with warm tones.
An industrial scene with a large dump truck carrying gravel driving along a dusty road. The surroundings include piles of gravel, patches of vegetation, and a barrier on the road. The lighting suggests a late afternoon or early evening setting with warm tones.

Solicite servicios de transporte en camiones pesados. Transportamos materiales de forma segura desde minas de oro.

Nuestro Plantel

Operamos desde ubicaciones estratégicas para transportar eficazmente materiales pesados desde las minas de oro a diversos destinos.


La Libertad Chontales, Nicaragua

a tractor trailer hauling a load of construction equipment

Transporte Pichardo Reyes ¡Somos un equipo confiable!